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  • Earn real money by selling items.
  • Create an account on an Exchange.
  • Exchange IOTA for other cryptos or euro/dollar

You can sell and buy items for IOTA in the game. To convert IOTA to your local currency or to buy IOTA, log on to a crypto exchange and buy IOTA there or send IOTA from dragon crusade to the exchange.

  1. Register on https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=13580962
  2. Buy IOTA (Miota) on binance (Tutorial below)
  3. Transfer the IOTA from Binance to your ingame deposit address.

After you have received the IOTA ingame you can spend them ingame in the Start->Item Finder or at any Vendor thats sells for IOTA ingame.

You can also send the iota back to binance by clicking withdraw in the Start->Feature->Crypto Wallet window ingame.

Feel free to use other crypto exchanges too like (Bitfinex, Bitpanda or https://www.iota.org/get-started/buy-iota )

Contact us in discord if you got questions or problems https://discord.gg/cXsVX9u